Reinventing with Design Thinking
Reinventing with Design Thinking
This book chronicles over 28 years of my Corporate experience and my subsequent life as an entrepreneur. I share my perspective of the critical factors for success and I also interviewed people who I have met in my career to find out about their critical success factors.
I also share my views of how companies can motivate their employees to bring out the best in them from the viewpoint of a manager and a subordinate.
I also share my view on how employees can create value to their organization. I share personal strategies to promote teamwork and to get ahead in an organization. With strong camaraderie, you can create high performance teams within the organization.

Going Back to our Ancestral Home
Planned 2H 2016
This book is about my travels to the many parts of the world and the lessons I learnt travelling to the many places. I predominantly travelled on business with the occasional vacation in between. I realized that our world is so diverse and yet we have so much in common with each other as a human being.
The subtitle "Niagara Falls Freezes Over" is a tribute to my first visit to the legendary Niagara Falls in the winter. It was a harsh winter and the Niagara Falls had frozen over. It was the first time I saw a frozen waterfall.

The book titled, "KINDRED - Going Back to Our Ancestral Home" is about tracing the roots of my paternal grandparents and great-grandmother who settled in a small town called Raub in the Pahang state in West Malaysia. My paternal grandparents came to Malaya (now known as Malaysia) in the early 20th century and many stories were told.
My grandfather first arrived in Malaya (now Malaysia) with his father to earn a living. My grandfather was later joined by his mother, his wife and young son in Malaya. Next, my father and my mother relate their own life story from young and how they lived through the darkest days of the Japanese occupation of Malaya.

This book is about our never-ending search for happiness that will be unsuccessful unless we start to instill happiness from within ourselves.
There are many things that can make us happy and often, it is within us to discover. When I have the opportunity to do something I am passionate about, I seize the moment to make myself happy! Carpe diem!
The joy of meeting old friends, primary schools classmates and relatives who you have not met for a long time.
In Search of Our Happiness
Planned 2H 2016
This Heritage book is about understanding our cultural heritage to aloow us to better identify with others who have similar backgrounds and mindsets. Our cultural heritage will help us to better connect within our groups with common religions, customs, beliefs and values. It will also allow us to better understand previous generations and the history of our roots.
I share my experiences remembering and discovering my Chinese heritage. I contrast the cultural heritage of the various races - Malay, Indian and Eurasian - that I was exposed to when I was growing up in Malaysia and Singapore.